29 Year old Virgin!

Posted on August 26, 2006. Filed under: Bizarre, Dating, Funny, Uncategorized |

While 40 year old virgin was a hilarious movie. 29, year old virgin is a product of the marketing machine of woman’s rag called Jane. So you would be expecting some nerd who still lives with his parents and has a huge collection of Star Wars action figures and his mommy still makes him PB&J sandwiches. Nope, actually this is the story of a 29 year old woman called Sarah who is soliciting the help of Jane magazine because she wishes to find Mr.Right before her 30th birthday so he could pop her cherry. OK, maybe that’s a bid crude, but hey! the woman hasn’t been laid in 29 years! I find it hard to to survive 29 days. So if you’re in the neighborhood and are a guy then go ahead and ask her out or rather get in line. Who knows you might just be the lucky one to get in there (pun intended) 😉


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