
Comfortably Numb…

Posted on July 13, 2006. Filed under: India, Ramblings |

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?

These are great lyrics by Pink Floyd. But, I don’t want to rant about his lyrics. I am actually referring to the people of Mumbai. I’m sure you all heard about the train bombings that took place in Mumbai on July 11th which they are referring here as 7/11, although, the magnitude of the disaster and death toll was nowhere near 9/11. But it was bad enough for the people to be angry about something like this occurring in their backyard.

I have been here 2 months and witnessed a deluge, riots and now bombings. And I am MAD. I am so mad that I want to shake down corrupt politicians, tare down the walls to their lavish homes and drag them over the millions of potholes that over the city. Shouldn’t last years devastating floods make a person want to get up and figth for your city? Why should you tolerate corrupt politicians not living up to their end of the bargain? Why is everyone in this city so indifferent, self-absorbed, help me out here… can’t find the word. How can city officials get away with squandering away tax-payers money and not delivering what they promised?  Every year there are floods and the city is plagued with potholes like a bad case of acne. 

And during the bomb blasts the cops delayed in responding and so did the paramedics. Why tolerate having an underpaid and corrupted police force that cannot come to your rescue when needed the most. There is no sense of security.

All I ask for is the people of Mumbai to WAKE UP. Take back your city! Being numb does not constitute as having a spirit.

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Eye Yoga !?!

Posted on July 11, 2006. Filed under: Ramblings |

For those of you who don’t know me, I am currently residing in Mumbai, India. Just moved here couple of months back from Miami, Florida. Why you ask? Opportunities my friend. Opportunities. One word – Outsourcing. So here I am, in this wonderful country full of cheap labor and of course which is in every sector. I am near-sighted and have been for the past 15 years. I am an avid user of contact lenses and occasionally glasses. So obviously my first instinct was to get Laser surgery to correct my vision, which in the country is roughly $1000. However, even though this surgery has been around for years I am very skeptical. It makes me nervous knowing that someone is going to be messing with my eyes.

My mother is all for new age methods of curing any kind of problems. So she was going through the classifieds one day and came upon this center that trains you in Eye Yoga. Now, I’ve practiced yoga in the past and am familiar with a few aspects of it but eye yoga!?! Hmm… it definitely peaked my curiosity.

So I took a drive to down to this Eye Yoga place.  If you’re at all familiar with India you should expect that this not a swanky place. It is a very modest apartment converted into a Yoga center. The “doctor” is there with all his assistants. Curiously all his assistants are females. So this supposed “doctor” explains that he has been practising this for years and has a good success rate (would not exactly say what his success rate is). He claims that if I give him two weeks he can bring down my prescription strength by 100% or at the very least 25%.

I am thinking to myself. Here I can just do a few exercises and improve my eyesight within two weeks and all for a mere price tag of $90! So automatically I asked, where do I sign up!

Stay tuned as I report my progress…

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Spell Check – Paradoxed!

Posted on July 5, 2006. Filed under: Ramblings |

Umm… yes, I am very well aware of the fact that such a word does not exist in the English language. But given the fact that we have an urban dictionary full of colloquialisms, I thought why not make my contribution to it. Just like Stephen Colbert claims to have added Truthiness. But I digress, we all know what is the meaning of Paradox. However, paradoxed applies only to people, where a persons life becomes a contradiction of their expectations. So I can safely say that I have recently been paradoxed. Details to follow in subsequent postings. Love it or hate it… “Paradoxed” is here.

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