10,000 reasons our civilization is doomed and counting…

Posted on August 23, 2006. Filed under: Good Websites, Sites |

The power of the Internet helps people collaborate and contribute to any cause. Here is a site (10000reasons.org) where people have contributed to their reasons why our civilization is doomed. Go ahead add your own!

Here are the top 10 reasons from the site (I don’t know if they are in order of importance) :
1. Paris Hilton: if we cloned her we’d be doomed, otherwise she’s one in many dumb blonds.
2. Orange County, California: really? what about South Central?
3. Joe Francis: the creator of girls gone wild, i totally disagree with this one. I think he’s a genius.
4. Dr. Phil: now we can definitely do without him. I think we should send him on a one way trip to Mars
5. Self-tanning products: I could think of worse things
6. The North Pacific Gyre, aka the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
7. Frog and toad population have declined dramatically since the 1950s: Blame Budweiser they hired and fired a lot of them for their commercials. It’s pretty hard for frog to pronounce Budweiser.
8. Civilians who use fire hydrants for personal use
9. McMansions : not everyone can afford a mid-century castle
10. McChurches: this we can surely do without.

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